Explore the importance of UUIDs in Shopware 6. Learn how to generate and work with UUIDs efficiently. Enhance data integrity and system scalability.
Lately, I have needed to send an email notification from one Shopware 6 store, if something happened in one of the background scripts. Of course, I could have just used the standard PHP mail function,
In the Shopware 6 plugin tutorial, I have described a way to use our own custom storefront controller to create a custom page with custom content. Today, I would like to expand this topic a
This article will show you, how to set up default values, that you want the user to see in your plugin’s configuration, after he installs and activates it. If you are new to the Shopware
Today, I just wanted to share a little tip about Shopware 6 with you, regarding the cache. As you might have noticed, after some time, the cache folder on your server grows and grows. This
Shopware 6 uses Twig template engine to render the pages. It is surprisingly simple and flexible, once you get the hang of it. Programmers like me, who usually work with the PHP part of Shopware
In this article, we will create a sample plugin for Shopware 6, that will serve as a groundwork for us to use, whenever we need to create a new plugin. First, we will create a
What can you do, when you need a sales channel context in some place in your code and it is not available there? Well that’s easy – you create it! And this article will show
The problem: unexpected core behavior Based on this Shopware 6 official forum post, asking about a possible problem with sitemaps being generated with http instead https, I have checked Shopware 6 stores under my jurisdiction
In one of the previous posts, we took a look at working with the post and get requests in a controller. Sending the post data from a HTML form is a well known case, but